Really enjoyed this as the First Season progressed and as long as it doesn't end up it's own arse like the X-Files
mythos did it
looks like it could run for a while. As the title suggests 'FRINGE' covers those aspects of fringe science, the unexplained or strange. Building steadily it turns the whole plot on it's head come the end of this First run with a whole mix of bizarre cases from the weird to even weirder. Some plot points you will have come across before in this obviously genre show but they manage to put a fresh spin on it all and cleverly gloss over the cracks. A definitive arc is laid out with a credible back-story and all manner of surprises turn your head as you go along. The 7-disc
boxset has a nice selection of extras and even has the forethought to actual clearly label some of the features with SPOILER warnings so you don't get too far ahead of yourself and get that sinking disappointment feeling as you know what's coming next!