Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, March 29, 2010

2012 (DVD Review) - 29/3/10

Taking numerous ideas from a variety of sources this is no mere earthquake or twister but full-on worldwide scale destruction. Tick list is top priority here: Dog In Danger TICK Kids In Peril TICK Dysfunctional Family TICK Madman No One Believes TICK Scientist Who Has All The Answers TICK and the list goes on. Following the Painting-By-Numbers scenario all the usual scenes are in place: World weary President stands against the coming tide, stand-in father dies untimely death, plucky hero saves the day - You know the sort of thing? And you now what? I loved it - The lashings of emotion and syrup were all in evidence. Even the ending ramps it all up again and watching 'The Making Of' afterwards really shows how seamless some of the SFX is and how well the sets blend in with the locations - I was surprised at just how much setwork really did not look like a set at all! So scientist gets called to India by another scientist and things look a bit serious jump forward 3 years and the planet is going into meltdown literally but Humanity has a plan to save the day but ends on the classic film 'When Worlds Collide' with an ending almost exactly the same showing again that not much has changed and greed will buy you anything. Throw in a Commentary plus an Alternative Ending, Deleted Scenes & a Making Of with a pile of Trailers and there you have it - Sheer class!



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