THE WOLFMAN Film Review - 11/2/10
After re-makes of Dracula & Frankenstein Universal takes a chance on 'The Wolfman' this time around and a suitably gothicky feel is lent to the proceedings with lots of darkness and sepia tones. With a simmering sexual passion building up with Benecio Del Toro & Emily Blunt as the two star-crossed leads (Which is tightly repressed throughout) until the denouement and the heat explodes dangerously. An unsympathetic character play by Anthony Hopkins turns out to be anything but noble and a straight-laced Hugo Weaving fends off the villagers and monsters alike. Also nice to see Art Malik back on the screen in a pivotal role. Astonishing visuals grace this Production from the werewolf transformations and varying action scenes (There is only so much head-loppings off and intestines, entrails and slashing one can take before it gets dull) A nice try but give me the original atmospheric Black & White Universal films the true classics!
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