GAMER (DVD Review) - 11/2/10
This film is truly horrific - Not because of all the heads exploding, blood spatter & flying limbs amongst the excessive gore, brain-bursting thump-pounding music awash with non-stop spinning visuals and synapse burning chaos - But because of it's subject matter. With the ever increasing possibility of all manner of social networking and computer simulation giving you a chance to actually live your life through another human being isn't that far-fetched. The total disregard for others, the de-sensitising of morality and the depravity on show here is nothing to what would actually happen in real life? Where do you really draw the line? If you ignore the video-game antics and really, really look hard at the message here it's an incredibly valid point. A frightening prospect that has been covered in a number of similar films recently notably 'Surrogates' and the 'Death Race' re-make. People can choose to participate in a new game experience called "Society" where another individual takes on that person and plays them in the game. Taking it a step further a new game is released where criminals can be played by Gamers in another game called "Slayers" if they win 30 rounds they get let out - Surprisingly (Oh my!) nothing is what it seems?
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