Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

WALL.E Film Review - 13/7/08

Visually stunning with fantastic landscapes and photo realistic stylizations Pixar's astonishing creativity literally goes stratospheric with this tale of a cleaning robot stuck on Earth to clean up the mess left behind after the human race has departed. Several hundred years later a robot probe returns and this kick-starts the whole adventure. Unfortunately with the large gap without dialogue had me bored within about 20 minutes and to be perfectly honest it just isn't that funny. I was more amused by all the trailers run for "WALL.E" than the actual film itself! Technically it is brilliant but I found it very sterile. Even the villain of the piece AUTO is played by a text-to-speech program called MacIn Talk and has obvious overtones of HAL from "2001" with a measure of Maximilian from Disney's "The Black Hole". The story pushes a very good message though - Humans are slobs and we are destroying the planet with multi-national corporations helping. Still along with Pixar's recent "Ratatouille" this film story-wise did not move me - No laughs and no emotion.
WALL.E the Earth's last cleaning robot meets a robot probe called EVE and after returning to the spaceship AXIOM fights off a horde of robots with the help of another group of robots with their own odd traits. Helping overthrow AUTO the ship's pilot they help a group of humans to return to Earth to start anew.


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