Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, June 09, 2008

THE DEAD ZONE {6th. Season} (DVD Review) - 9/6/08

After producing Series 4 & 5 and having them in the can for "The Dead Zone" the Channel showing them had not renewed the option on a 6th. Season so all the sets were torn down. Then they decided to go with a 6th. Series and had to transfer the whole cast, crew and production to another part of Canada for "costs" so to speak. All of which is talked about in the featurette "A New Home For The Dead Zone" and more or less puts the final nail in the coffin for the show! After the general dreary patchiness of Season 5 it get's worse with Season 6 - No wonder they cancelled it! A generally discordant affair this mish-mash of 13 episodes really only get's going with the last 3 episodes of the series and becomes very interesting indeed - Then the Series ends! Totally pointless; this mediocre and quite preposterous slant went way off at a tangent, and seems more of a misdirection than anything that has come before?
Firstly we lose most of the regular cast in the first episode (We even get an awful recasting of "J.J." as someone totally different) a main cast member dies and with this shift in focus the whole plotline goes down the drain. The fate that awaits with the nuclear holocaust is not resolved and plot threads are left with no clear points. The credits roll and that's it folks! Of course the obligatory options are left open to either continue the Series or do a spin-off show with his son as the lead role - Dire!!

Rounding off this disappointment to another cancelled show we also get another featurette with "All Aboard: Filming The Dead Zone On A Train" and a Commentary on 4 episodes.


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