Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

INDIANA JONES 4 Film Review - 25/5/08

The fourth in the series and to give it it's full title "Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull" gets a worldwide release in thousands of cinemas across the planet. Starting off rather slowly with a creaky old Indiana & set in 1957, we get a whole parcel load of references to things gone before in the previous 3 films. Tuning into a number of fifties references such as Communism & the McCarthy witch-hunts where everyone was a "damn Commie" plus the A-Bomb Testing & a number of other points I can't say as they will give the plot away! Eventually upping a gear the film goes into treasure hunt mode and the race is on between the "evil" Reds and the supposed Good Guys both after one of the fabled crystal skulls from the South Americas. Weaving a tale between fact & fiction this starts to wander into "X-Files" territory but at least this was entertaining and you could understand it! Big screen spills & thrills abound as Harrison Ford brings down the shutters on his timeless creation and leaving the door open for future films but in a way you won't see until you have watched the film? So glad I managed to get hold of a British Quad Poster for the film - They will be worth an absolute fortune once the film has done the cinema rounds and will probably be hard to get hold of soon!

Unfortunately missing a couple of the main characters from the other films - We do get a returnee plus some new faces. When the second half of the film goes into overload it's a breathless chase from one place to another as the heroes attempt to get ahead of the bad guys from one action packed scene to the next. Kudos to the whole Production in finally completing the saga of Indiana Jones with a fair amount of grace & style, cliffhangers & punch-ups, set pieces & destruction!


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