Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, May 05, 2008

IRON MAN Film Review - 5/5/08

Wanted to see this but didn't know if I was in the right mood for it? Or maybe I'm just jaded by FLASH-BANG-WALLOP explosions, state-of-the-art cutting edge graphics & CGI? Maybe if I'd left my brain in the bucket by the cinema foyer door I would have enjoyed it more? Who knows? Having spent nearly a tenner at London prices no wonder cinema attendance is falling once more or is that failing? Anyway cue "Iron Man" big bad arms industrialist goes to horrible Afghanistan and shows off some pretty weapons. Gets kidnapped, builds suit of armour after heart operation and escapes home. Suddenly decides to become a good guy which doesn't suit corporate management so they set him up. Chuck a flirty tentative romance into the works, a couple of fight scenes and a punch up with the naughty person who betrayed him from the beginning. Bung in another nice cameo from Stan Lee (and doesn't he deserve it after putting so much effort into the genre all these years) Big superhero wins out - story ends! A pastiche of film footage strung together for a couple of hours that wasn't even that entertaining. The cast valiantly pulled off a fantastically good job and I'm sure it will make millions and certainly cover it's production costs with profits to spare - But not my cup of tea unfortunately!


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