Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Thursday, January 10, 2008


This one is a wet dream come true for hard-core purists! I have waited with this on my DVD list for about 12 years next to "The Keep" "The Hunger" and "The Omega Man" for decent releases. Here it is in all it's glory: The definitive "Blade Runner" a 5-disc Complete Collector's Edition. In my panic to get hold of a copy (Stupid!) I thought the fifth disc would only be available with this set so got the Limited Edition version # 00549/10000SD. Silly as they released it all over the place in various different formats - But still glad I got it! This set comes with a plastic slide-off outer cover with all the items listed on the back as to what is in the case.
Inside the foam base we have a model spinner, silver unicorn and the 5-disc Boxset. In the top of the case we have a fold-out file covered with art/designs & photos from the film and inside are a number of artcards with art/designs from the film with photos/text on the back. Also with this is a hologram block with Deckard brandishing his gun with a good range of movement. Separating these two is a plastic sleeve with a pre-printed letter from Ridley Scott. The 5-disc Boxset folds out with again art/designs/photos from the film with a very informative booklet enclosed as well.

Deckard is a Blade Runner a Specialized cop who is assigned to retire 4 replicants who have escaped to Earth and have caused a trail of carnage in their wake. It is 2019 and the future has never looked so grim for humanity. DISC 1: This has the "Blade Runner" FINAL CUT (2007) with an Introduction from Ridley Scott plus 2 Commentaries. DISC 2: Has the "Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner" ultimate documentary culled from numerous sources and is an intimate & extensive and very exhaustive look at the making of Blade Runner in 8 sections.

DISC 3: For the completest we have the 3 Archival Versions of Blade Runner here all seamlessly branched with Introductions by Ridley Scott on each. U.S. THEATRICAL CUT (1982) INTERNATIONAL THEATRICAL CUT (1982) and the DIRECTOR'S CUT (1992). DISC 4: Has the Enhancement Archive on it in 3 sections covering Inception, Fabrication and Longevity and again is very extensive in scope.

DISC 5: Has the First Release ever of the WORKPRINT that early audiences got to see with an Introduction by Ridley Scott and a further Commentary. This also has a final Featurette on it in the shape of "All Our Variant Futures".

This has probably got to be the best release since "Terminator 2" to cover the whole film process from beginning to end. With footage of Philip K. Dick and the total restoration of all prints/sound the quality is absolutely stunning - Crisp and hard-edged. Well worth forking out for - this USA (Region 1) set is a must have.


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