Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, December 31, 2007

I AM LEGEND Film Review - 31/12/07

Will Smith really does hold all of this film together in this current remake. From the flashbacks of a past he has lost altogether to the desolate present he lives in now with a recognisable NYC but totally overgrown with weeds and grass, dilapidated buildings falling apart with nature taking back what was hers originally. From the beginning the tension kicks in with a number of jump-out-of-your-seat moments and shows you that Will Smith can really act. Wandering alone through this wasteland his character Robert Neville (A virologist) attempts to find a cure to mankind's downfall amongst the infected he has to fight off. Once we get to see these infected it's like we have fallen into a video game and are fighting against a horde of CG zombies so badly are they depicted. I always worried if the earth went out with a whimper instead of a massive bang - This film depicts that reality. An interesting take on the original films but "The Omega Man" will always stick in my mind as the better of the three.
Robert Neville a military specialist comes up against a virulent plague that sweeps the planet and attempts to find a cure to the virus which was man-made nearly 3 years earlier. From the present to the flashbacks of his past he tries to re-establish man's control of the planet after near total decimation of the population whilst fighting off plague-ridden zombies (victim's of the plague) lurking in the shadows with his only companion a dog called Sam.


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