Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, July 02, 2007


With this third film becoming a trilogy and the possibility of a 4th & 5th - One can only hope they can keep up the rollicking good fun bearing in mind that the whole series comes from a Disney Theme Park ride - Who would have thought it? More in spirit to some of the old classics like "Jason & The Argonauts" or "Sinbad & The Eye Of The Tiger" this fitting entry sits quite nicely with Parts 1 & 2 "Curse Of The Black Pearl" & "Dead Man's Chest". Continuing more or less from the previous events of the last film the action is more over the top, bigger and better, longer in length and it is hard to tell from where one effect starts to where the next stops it's all so seamless. The story carries itself well with the introduction of other pirates from all over the globe coming up against the dreaded East India Trading Company in it's quest to rid the seas of piracy. Taking a side-trip to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow the cast reunites to rattle along with frenetic speed and 3 hours just seems to fly by as all seem to be enjoying themselves immensely in their given roles. Enough to say that when the boxset on DVD is out it will probably be worth getting as I'm sure it will be packed with tons of Special Features making this series even more worthwhile!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first Pirates of the Caribbean was great, not too sure about the other two, tho the special effects were top notch of course. if they come out with a fourth will it maintain the quality of the first?

7:30 pm  
Blogger Hugh Jarrs said...

Have to agree with you on that one. The original was the best and was supposed to be a one-off, with all the trouble it originally had from moronic Disney Execs in Production. After it's Worldwide success of course Disney couldn't wait to stuff it's face in the pig's trough of cash. As a trilogy it stands fine - But yes with the possibility of a 4th. or 5th. will that quality carry on and will the same cast still be there?

8:24 pm  

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