Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Haven't managed to post anything for a while because I have been having a "Charmed" marathon session and the last few weeks have ploughed through the entire eight seasons with the fantastic Charmed Book Of Shadows Collector's Edition. Although this version came out in 2006 and only had the first seven series in it room was left in the book for the final season to fit in when it was released in early 2007. Comprising 6 discs per series this superb 48-DVD Boxset comes in a replica Book Of Shadows and is completely illustrated throughout with a page by page episode guide to each season. It has the shows logo on the front that flashes in red light from a replaceable battery and also has two attached ribbons as bookmarks. Nicely bound on heavy paper with each book having it's own Certificate Of Authenticity from the 16,000 run from Australia (Reg.4.) the pages are accented in gold lacquer and trimming and also included is a book stand to display the book and prop it open.
The first season lays the groundwork for much of what is to follow as the tale of three sisters becoming witches and fighting evil takes off from here with a slightly shaky start.

The second season carries on in a similar vein with more trials & tribulations as the witches gain power and evil is constantly knocking at their door.

The third season carries on much of the familiar plot-lines and ends on a awful cliffhanger which is very awkward.

The fourth season lose's a major character to a contract dispute, starts off badly and isn't resolved well but gains sufficient momentum to get back on track.

Season five charges ahead with some real possibilities and things change unexpectedly.

The sixth season add's a number of twists you don't see coming.

This season (Number seven) ups the anti in a way that looks bad for the good guys and really leaves you hanging at the end of the season.

Season eight the final one has so many changes you can't seem to get a grip on what is going on. Then of course you realise the stupid Studio Executives have been poking their noses in again - (Warner Brothers again!) Slashing the shows budget, changing the theme music, re-arranging the cast completely, changing the context and storyline and generally faffing it all up! At least in this season - Unlike the previous seven - You actually get a lengthy selection of Special Features covering various aspects of the show.

All in all over the 8 years of the show since it debuted in 1998 - it - like many genre shows (And it's contemporaries "Buffy" "Angel" & "Smallville") explored the human condition in a different way and although some episodes were total pants - other episodes really nailed some classic points in various stages of angst and dilemma through the formulaic use of old standbys like role-reversal, time travel and so on. Unfortunately like many - Several characters crop up for a few episodes and then totally disappear with no explanation why? Story-lines disintegrate and plot falls by the wayside (How they hoped to pull the wool over people's eyes in Season Eight is anyone's guess - Not only was it stupid it was downright insulting to the shows fans) What I felt was pretty amazing was just how many B-Actors turned up in supporting roles and how many big names also cropped up. So to be truthful - Yes - It was a pretty good run and on the whole it was enjoyable most of the time. This is probably also the best Boxset I have seen on the market for a TV show and it's a pretty impressive replica of the shows own Book Of Shadows.


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