Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Friday, May 18, 2007

SPIDERMAN 3 Film Review - 18/5/07

Odeon Cinema Chain you need to pull your fingers out over your Concession Stands - You and other cinemas are always bleating on about how much profit you need to make to cover costs by selling your extortinate goodies and believe me it's like having half a lemon jabbed in either eye as the prices charged are eye-watering. £3.40p for a Small Popcorn - Ha! Ha! Now myself I will pay.....But what I would like is for you to actually have something in stock. Not "Oh, we have just run out of Hotdogs" or "We have no buns" maybe "The tomarto sauce is on order" and "The freezing cycle has just started on the drinks machine" as I'm getting fed up with the excuses it's like this every time I go? How can I buy something if your not selling it? After forking out £7.20p for a film ticket I'd be better off waiting for a year and buying it on DVD for the comfort of my own home with it's fully stocked fridge & larder. I would not at all be surprised if ticket sales to the cinema are down - The cost for a family of four is astronomical and having spoken to a number of people most are loathe to go to the flicks at these prices. I think your driving people away and it is going to get worse!

Having watched a run of duff films recently this can also be added to the pile. Overbloated and overly long this packs in far too much romance and Peter Parker when we all want to see the scraps between the bad guys? Venom isn't mentioned but graces this film along with the Sandman and a new Green Goblin. Swathes of this film make absolutely no sense at all after the first two films and the sheer stupidity on show is gob-smacking: At the end of the second film we see the (obviously) new Green Goblin set-up but after a minor head injury that's all forgotten in amnesiaville but Peter Parker doesn't cotton onto this about his "best mate"? Sam Raimi please give it a rest and go and make "Evil Dead 3" properly this time - If you can afford $500,000,000 for this "Spiderman 3" claptrap you should have enough for a decent Evil dead film. The story really is a mess drifting from one scene to another without any sense of where it's going or why? Just as it starts to ratchet everything up a notch it finishes. With a much tighter script and less excess in the Production this could of been great instead it's "Batman & Robin" for 2007. One thing I was impressed with was some of the graphics - The CGI and FX were phenomenal - No wonder it cost so much to make! Peter Parker is now getting on with his life and romance with Mary Jane - BLAH-BLAH-BLAH-YADA-YADA-YADA - Bit of guilt, alien presence, Aunt May & some tears, new Green Goblin, Harry bangs head - happy times for all, watch out the Sandman's about, Parker/Spidey goes off the deep end, Venom, more Sandman, Romance, Big Villains Punch Up, The End.

The new revamped Green Goblin

The Sandman

Venom & Spidey