Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

MEMORY Film Review - 17/5/07

Quite a smart (but fairly workmanlike) psychological thriller with an interesting premise. Billy Zane & Tricia Helfer (From TV's revamped "Battlestar Galactica") star in this tale of genetics; as a medical researcher and an artist team up, and end up rooting into a mystery about the genetically stored memories of a serial killer. With the talents of Dennis Hopper & Ann-Margret also in tow a fairly creepy tale is laid out for us to enjoy. Made in 2005 and seemingly slipping under the film radar again, it is only just now from around March 2007 that "Memory" has slowly begun to appear in Cinemas - It is also coming out the end of this month (May 2007) in the US on Region 1 DVD - The reason behind the 2 year wait for release; I am led to believe, was due to a dispute over music rights? Billy Zane's character of Taylor Briggs gets accidentally exposed to a dust in a hospital in Brazil and then strangely re-lives memories from years before he was born - Unfortunately these memories are from a serial killer kidnapping little girls; and who seems to still be doing it, decades later in the present day. So starts a pursuit into finding the killer and stopping them before they carry out any further crimes.


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