Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Friday, September 25, 2009

SMALLVILLE {8th. Season} (DVD Review) - 25/9/09

I think there is nothing better than when a Production Company like WARNER slaps it's fans in the face. This current Season of 'Smallville' is awful - The budget has been cut (and it shows) but this loathsome company has no problem dredging out the storyline and even announcing Season 9. With most of the characters not even appearing in this Season (Only 2 of the leads were contracted for every episode) and you seem to be hanging around for the rest of the cast to show up. The story arc is pointless as they string you along with a Lex isn't dead storyline - Pity that the actor playing the character left last Season. The tiresome Lana Lang/Clark Kent romance gets stirred up for a guest appearance - For fucks sake - Just let it go! A character gets written in then killed off, a major pisstake with another character who also gets killed off but just happens to be playing his elder brother is a real letdown after previous Seasons. Most of the careless writing has characters doing things they really would not do and one episode is so lazy it's just an excuse to start up the Lois/Clark relationship. I also like the fact that alien artefact's seem to be ten-a-penny - Need an alien device? Then just open up Lex's old storeroom and there's one in a case waiting on the shelve for you - Absolute rubbish! Having plowed through 22 episodes this Season was a major disappointment. DULL is what you could describe it!

Throw in some Deleted Scenes, Audio Commentaries and a couple of Featurettes and this rounds off this 6-disc DVD Boxset on Region 1 (USA)



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