Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

LET THE RIGHT ONE IN (Lat Den Ratte Komma In) (DVD Review) - 13/9/09

This Swedish film looks like it was filmed in the 1970's on some crumbling sinkhole estate - Actually the film was supposed to be set in 1982 - Either way it looks old and that just adds to it's distinctive charm. Like a cross between a teenage version of 'The Hunger' mixed in with a little 'Crying Game' it has some spot on scenes which obviously blew it's budget; but makes it better for the spit & polish attempts at getting it right. The acid faced killer falling from a window to his death, the psycho killer kitty attack, the vampire without an invite, the body in the block of ice, the occasional glimpse of possible claws and more. The yearnings of childhood, the losses of that, the isolation and the realisation. Running slowly (Which is a pity) it comes in at a runtime of 110 minutes but strangely enough it didn't feel that long. Released as the title 'Let Me In' in it's first US edition of the book because the Publishers felt the original title too long; the Producers of the 'Hollywood Version' are also using the same title. So expect shoulder held ground-to-air missiles, flamethrowers and gothed up black clad vampires for the turgid re-make with none of the nuances from the Swedish original left. Although drifting in places this is a nice spin on the vampire genre.

Unfortunately for Special Features we only get a Director's/Author Commentary, some short Deleted Scenes and a Trailer. I think a half hour Making Of Featurette would have added greatly to this - Never mind.



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