Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, June 08, 2009

TERMINATOR: SALVATION Film Review - 8/6/09

This film has received a lot of slating but unlike the TV Series of "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" (Which seems to play hard and fast with Terminator mythology) this new film manages to fit in very cleverly with the previous films. We get a very human element (In more ways than one) which is integral to the plot. We also get an enticing mystery which gets explained very well. You also have (By computer magic) a sleight of hand that adds even more to the story, a vast selection of homages to the first & second films and the ending not only reference's the original film but ties up a load of loose ends while still leaving the way open for further films. I really cannot state what a great film this is - Full of nail-chewing action with a range of new machines (And I've got the nails to prove it - Boy did I chew those down in the cinema!) with a plotline that really does fit in succinctly with Terminator lore. The mind-spinning side-story takes on a greater significance as you delve further into the film and hopefully an extensive 2-Disc release on DVD after it's Theatrical run will enhance the story even more with I'm imagining an in-depth look at how they put it all together?


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