STAR WRECK: LEGACY (DVD Review) - 19/5/09
I love Star Trek parody and this is one of the best I have been able to track down on DVD to buy. A bunch of Finnish friends basically got together and with some pretty crappy animation did a short called 'Star Wreck' in 1992. They carried on with episodes 2, 3, 4 & 5. The animation got better, the jokes flew thick & fast and with the fifth instalment they even did a live-action piss-take with 'Star Wreck V - Lost Contact' with wobbly cardboard borg but some quite amazing SFX added to the mix. Obviously added subtitles in English let you in on the jokes; with plenty of toilet humour and the crew who more or less hate each other, and with Redshirts Ensign Cannonfodder, Ensign Goner & Ensign Bodyshield you can see what type of ride your in for! Collected on this Region 0 DVD disc entitled "Star Wreck Legacy" we get the original five shorts plus some early films directed by various members of the crew under the Special Features/Extras section. You get a Commentary on Star Wreck V Lost Contact and a rather good Making Of which covers the background to Star Wreck Legacy and it's beginnings. Lotsa chuckles with this one!
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