Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Friday, May 01, 2009

AUSTRALIA Film Review - 1/5/09

When I saw Baz Luhrmann's name attached to this as Director as well as Nicole Kidman & Hugh Jackman starring in it I was immediately drawn to it. Luhrmann's Red Curtain Trilogy of "Strictly Ballroom" "Romeo + Juliet" & "Moulin Rouge" was enough to encourage me to watch this. This literally vast vista of expansive territories with the camera lens really shows you how big Australia is and how magnificent. In very broad strokes we get a little history, some romance and villains, murder & plotting set against the background of the Second World War and the broader background of Australia itself. Also covering a disgraceful period in Australia's history (We all have them) check out the film "Rabbit-Proof Fence" with David Gulpilil (Who stars in 'Australia' as King George) about the Lost Generation of aboriginal half-caste children. Running in at about three hours "Australia" is a drama that never really lets up until the end. Another spectacle from Baz Luhrmann to add to his current fine films available.

Posh aristocratic lady from good old England travels out to Australia to find her husband dead and machinations involving the local cattle Baron and his men. Bung in the handsome drover who is on a cattle run with other murky dealings going on. Throw in some mysticism & passion and an attempt to get the cattle to the Army before said rival does. Sweeping landscapes ensue with a Japanese attack not far off as people are split apart from several sides and causes.


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