Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Saturday, February 07, 2009

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA {4th. Season} (DVD Review) - 7/2/09

It's bad enough that the US Writer's Strike put this show on hold but the fact that the Company behind it has the sheer and shameless audacity to rip people off with this Boxset is piss-takingly unbelievable! Chucking just the first 10 episodes from Season 4 onto 4 discs and re-packing it with the TV-Movie "Razor" to pad it out and then calling it the "Complete Season 4" is bollocks! Not only is it a grubbing money making exercise at £25 a throw they will then sting you again for another few bucks when 'Season 5' (Actually the last 10 episodes of Season 4) will be out here in the UK. At least they had the decency to package it as 4.1. in the US to be followed by 4.2.
Well as to the first 10 episodes - I can only equate it with getting gum on your shoes or treading in dogshit. From the pseudo-mystic messianic gobbledygook with it's tiresome religious overtones it's as tedious and dreary as the second two 'Matrix' sequels talking crap with no understanding of what is happening? This turgid, boring mess drones on and on and I was literally yawning at how bored I was. The mind-numbing tediousness of it all showed me 10 episodes of absolutely abysmal drivel. This Season 4 of Battlestar Galactica is the worst yet - A total waste of time until the end, with them reaching Earth at last and finding it a burnt out wasteland was the only thing of interest. Extras few and rubbish. A dull evening that I wasted watching boredom on the TV. Shite!


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