Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Friday, February 06, 2009

STARGATE ATLANTIS {5th. Season} - Cable TV Series Review 6/2/09

Well the fifth and final Series of "Stargate Atlantis" is now done & dusted. Like Stargate SG-1 before it the suits dropped the curtain on the show (and although they need a good slap & several kicks in the nether regions) you can see why. Firstly when they do crank the good episodes up in this season we don't get any follow through or resolution to these - They just peter out! Secondly it really does seem very samey as though they are all treading water waiting for a decent script to come along. Also with the announcement of the kiddie-lite Stargate Universe (Oh dear!) they really are taking it down to a very common denominator. Thirdly with any actual tension that does take place, it eventually gets explained away with some quick visuals - In this case the death of a major character.
Bung in a duff clip-show to save on costs and a hell of a lot of stock footage and library shots to pad it all out (My, don't they get repetitive!) and add in some high quality FX segments and the final episode just leaves you standing there once again. So having been down that road before we can expect a final Direct-To-DVD Movie to round it all off and then they will show it a couple of weeks later on SKY Cable - So no - Not really a very satisfactory end at all.


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