Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, December 22, 2008

THE MUTANT CHRONICLES Film Review - 22/12/08

It's out there in the darkness lurking. Black and dreadful and slithering around. Amongst the debris and the devastation, the firing of the shells and the mud of the trenches. A future where man has fallen and risen again with a different history and a different culture. More Steampunk Gothic than anything else with a religious group trying to keep the touch of death back in the form of a great machine turning humans into zombie mutants and a group of people prepared to die to stop the evil. The story struggles valiantly to come out as a post-apocalypse magnificent seven try to destroy the root of Armageddon against a background of CGI landscapes so black & white half the time you can't see what the hell is going on in the monochrome haze. Shaky cam and computer enhanced effects just whizz by in a cloud of blood spray & mush as the action lurches from one backdrop to the other like madly spinning game animation gone wild! The setting and stylisation is epic and truly outstanding it's just a pity the total incoherence of the plot and the scene-setting, just flashes past your eyeballs with barely a glance. A strange film indeed if you want something unusual to watch?


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