Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

TROPIC THUNDER Film Review - 2/11/08

After dire movie 'The Heartbreak Kid' I avoided Ben Stiller for awhile and really should have known better with "Tropic Thunder" being written & directed by him. As a tapestry of events it's the sum of it's parts as the threads of the script come apart - So more of a travesty than anything else. So it's crap - Sorry C.R.A.P. (Can't Really Assess Production) a fitting acronym. Then suddenly the light dawned and I saw it in a different light: If you watch 'The Office' or 'Extras' which I find excruciating to watch mainly because it's self-absorbed people being horribly rude & unpleasant to each other I looked at Ben Stiller's back-catalogue of films. Much of his 'humour' which can be hit and miss is along the same lines - I like 'Something About Mary' but some of his other work is dross. So if you go on percentage it will be 3 crap films to 1 good one! You really cannot fault any of the actors for their performances they really are on the top of the game here - Which just goes to show that even in a bad film the quality of the acting can be top notch but the script rubbish - Thanks Ben!
A group of self-absorbed self-obsessed actors foul up the running of their latest film and the production is threatened with closure - The Director in a fit of madness (Or genius?) sticks the cast in the middle of the jungle and let's them get on with it. Thinking they are following a script the cast get mistaken for real troops by the local bandits running a heroin operation. Cue hilarity - I think I laughed about three times - So not a great gag rate!


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