Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

LOST {4th. Season} (DVD Review) - 27/9/08

Strange that the first 3 Seasons of "Lost" just really strolled along infuriating people as it meandered here and there with no real explanation of what was happening or why? Then suddenly Season 4 of "Lost" trundles out with it's shortened Season of 13 episodes, that many shows suffered from due to last years Writer's Strike. Not only does it discard the facts it only manages to deepen the mysteries further and punch up into a different high octane level handing out answers but still leaving loose threads hanging. It also manages a sense of fear - A chiller in more ways than one - As aspects of time travel with a different take on the subject jump forward and back in time. It gets confusing because of the cast being in the past, present and future - With nothing linear in most cases. Questions are answered, theories resolved and literally in a number of jaw-dropping moments we see things we really don't see coming at all! Frighteningly a conspiracy abounds back on shore; deep in the past in the 1940's and you realise that nothing is what it really seems as things get more stranger and darker, making you less sure of what might actually be going on or when or what time period? Stepping up into such a high gear I can only hope that more resolution to Lost's conundrums will be answered further in Season's 6 & 7?
The host of Extras on this 6-disc Boxset cover Audio Commentaries, a handful of Featurettes, a Bloopers Reel and a large pile of Deleted Scenes and some Easter Eggs thrown in for good measure.


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