Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, August 11, 2008

WANTED Film Review - 11/8/08

The school of hard knocks shown in "Wanted" is the sort of school Harry Potter would go to if he was to become an assassin. A smart cast kicks around a daft story that has been unfairly compared to "The Matrix" which has no threads (Unless you believe in 'The Loom Of Fate') of the plot-line in any stretch of the imagination? Dull drone worker McAvoy gets hauled into another life as a group of top-notch killers from an assassination group called "The Fraternity" recruit him to their ranks with the help of the sultry Fox (Jolie) and led by none other than Morgan Freeman as Sloan. Trained by their elite and sent out on his mission things get dicey very quickly! Jump back several years in time when action films used real stuntmen - It's hard to tell now between blue/green screen, CGI & real stunts? So with this empty header you get cars and more cars flying through the air demolishing this and that; between the fights, gunfire & big explosions. It's all to do with a bunch of crackpot monks several centuries back who discovered a hidden code in what they called "The Loom Of Fate" which told them which people fate wanted killed. In this case a slight mistake in the threads might have been killing people for a thousand years - Oops!! All totally ludicrous of course but highly entertaining.............................


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