Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Saturday, February 28, 2009


FUTURAMA: Slubb slubb slubb! Luckily it's now all over - After waiting so long for it and now seeing it all in it's entirety this tiresome mess is finished! The latest piece of twaddle left me so disinterested I wondered why I had even bothered to buy it? Completely lacking in any sense of a script the show closes with the cast trundling into a black hole - Let's make sure it stays there! The extras were the sort that left a bad taste in your mouth the "I can't be arsed to do anything decent" type - In fact as much of a waste of time as the film itself. If you want a good episode of FUTURAMA watch the first 4 Seasons instead. Pointless!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So here we go with the classic ye olde straight-to-DVD TV movie from a series that was cancelled 2 Seasons in. I found this to be like an extended TV episode and though very enjoyable unless your familiar with the original show you won't have a clue what's going on? We also have the dreaded re-cast of a character with someone entirely different (Pointless!) and we also lose the biggest heart of the show with an actor who is off doing something else so really leaves a large hole in the script. We do in fact get most of the ensemble cast back which is a good thing - But it is all rather creaky. This one is definitely for the die-hard fans of the show. Throw in a Commentary and some Trailers and a nice little Making Of Featurette and there you have it!

Continuing from the original series we have the Reapers finding out that their local hang out has been lost in a fire and that their Boss has 'moved on' quite literally! Cue a new Boss turning up who plays hard and fast with the rules encouraging his team to do the same. Like anything once off the rails; unforeseen consequences occur which don't end happily, for all involved...

Saturday, February 07, 2009

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA {4th. Season} (DVD Review) - 7/2/09

It's bad enough that the US Writer's Strike put this show on hold but the fact that the Company behind it has the sheer and shameless audacity to rip people off with this Boxset is piss-takingly unbelievable! Chucking just the first 10 episodes from Season 4 onto 4 discs and re-packing it with the TV-Movie "Razor" to pad it out and then calling it the "Complete Season 4" is bollocks! Not only is it a grubbing money making exercise at £25 a throw they will then sting you again for another few bucks when 'Season 5' (Actually the last 10 episodes of Season 4) will be out here in the UK. At least they had the decency to package it as 4.1. in the US to be followed by 4.2.
Well as to the first 10 episodes - I can only equate it with getting gum on your shoes or treading in dogshit. From the pseudo-mystic messianic gobbledygook with it's tiresome religious overtones it's as tedious and dreary as the second two 'Matrix' sequels talking crap with no understanding of what is happening? This turgid, boring mess drones on and on and I was literally yawning at how bored I was. The mind-numbing tediousness of it all showed me 10 episodes of absolutely abysmal drivel. This Season 4 of Battlestar Galactica is the worst yet - A total waste of time until the end, with them reaching Earth at last and finding it a burnt out wasteland was the only thing of interest. Extras few and rubbish. A dull evening that I wasted watching boredom on the TV. Shite!

Friday, February 06, 2009

STARGATE ATLANTIS {5th. Season} - Cable TV Series Review 6/2/09

Well the fifth and final Series of "Stargate Atlantis" is now done & dusted. Like Stargate SG-1 before it the suits dropped the curtain on the show (and although they need a good slap & several kicks in the nether regions) you can see why. Firstly when they do crank the good episodes up in this season we don't get any follow through or resolution to these - They just peter out! Secondly it really does seem very samey as though they are all treading water waiting for a decent script to come along. Also with the announcement of the kiddie-lite Stargate Universe (Oh dear!) they really are taking it down to a very common denominator. Thirdly with any actual tension that does take place, it eventually gets explained away with some quick visuals - In this case the death of a major character.
Bung in a duff clip-show to save on costs and a hell of a lot of stock footage and library shots to pad it all out (My, don't they get repetitive!) and add in some high quality FX segments and the final episode just leaves you standing there once again. So having been down that road before we can expect a final Direct-To-DVD Movie to round it all off and then they will show it a couple of weeks later on SKY Cable - So no - Not really a very satisfactory end at all.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I had grave misgivings about a prequel to Underworld but this wasn't too bad! Remember we are in the 11th. or 12th. Century so no automatic weapons or hi-tech gadgets just whopping great swords, knives, axes and the particular throwing stars that the death-dealers use. Taking the Gothic setting from the previous films we end up with an embittered Viktor (Bill Nighy) infighting with his vampire brethren and having problems with the emergent lycan race. Throw in a number of characters from the last couple of films and you have the re-run of the love story between Sonja and Lucian fleshed out in full. If you like blood spurting and limbs being hacked off this one is for you - But after a while it all gets pretty monotonous and dull. Quite why they wanted to reveal this love story I can't understand, as the flashbacks in the previous films more or less cover it. I think a better idea could have been thought up for a prequel than this? Mildly entertaining - But in a throwaway fashion. If it's enough of a success we may get a return to form in Underworld 4?