Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

RAMBO Film Review - 30/3/08

MR. PERIWINKLE DO NOT READ THIS: Extreme claret & syrup ahead!
Uummm! What can you say about this film? It's going under several different title's but most people will refer to it as "Rambo 4". After about 20 minutes into this film it just turns into an arcade game - Like someone has flicked the KILL switch and left the button depressed. Heads blow apart like ripe melons, legs and chunks of flesh fly across the screen, hands and limbs in general are lopped off here, there and everywhere. Bodies explode with gout's of gore and tattered clothing, children shot point blank range and bayoneted and subjects have large calibre rounds taking off arms and feet as people run for cover. Mortars shred flesh to tatters as strips of sinews and chips of bone fly all over and it goes on and on. Countless faceless victims whether good or bad literally pulped by massive guns going CHUNKA-CHUNKA-CHUNKA as swathes of blood drench various hacked bodies abundant with torn chests and bullet-ridden extremities. Mostly CGI effects cover this horrendous body count and to be perfectly honest I was gobsmacked by the unending and unremitting violence. I have absolutely no idea what to make of this film?

The John Rambo character is hauled out of retirement to help a group of Christian Missionaries on a Relief trip into Burma bringing food and medicine. Everything goes wrong and a horrific spate of death and destruction is unleashed by the Burmese Army against the local people and their helpers. Rambo goes in with a small group of mercenaries and adds further death and destruction so that everyone gets a chance to suffer one way or another?


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