Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

10,000 BC Film Review - 23/3/08

When Little Digger said to me this was much in the vein of "Pathfinder" I was like "Oh, Noooo!" With Warner Brothers spending several million on this piece of cod you would at least think they would get a decent story for that price? Forget the impressive Special Effects and CGI - The dreary story drones on for hours driving nowhere. In fact if Warner's had made a feature film with a talking arse and it was a worldwide smash success you could then expect another ten films to follow with a talking arse in it. This is tailgating one of these genres currently filled up with wall-to-wall Superhero movies and kiddie sci-fi/fantasy by the bucket-load. Anachronistic failures aside this brings nothing new to the table with the usual bilge about a chosen one and a prophecy. Semi-mystic codswallop that barely held my attention.

Stuck in an ice-bound valley waiting for the next mammoth to turn up so they can hunt, kill and eat it; a lonely tribe of hunters gets decimated by a group of slavers. Vowing to get revenge and bring back his sweetheart and the missing tribes-folk a solitary hunter and a motley crew of his mates set off after the bad guys. Traipsing across lush woodland they get attacked by a large chicken (I kid you not!) and end up in the desert. Following the trail further they end up in semi-Egypt and have a big punch up. All works out well and Hollywood lives happily ever after. Roland Emmerich this is definitely one of your misses!


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