Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

JUMPER Film Review - 22/3/08

This film is about as entertaining as having a drill bit shoved between your eyes. Like opening a loaf of bread and finding it covered in green mould "Jumper" is even less edifying than that! Having eaten in my works canteen and chowed down on a portion of cauliflower cheese this film was like that portion - Mush! With absolutely no logical resonance this pastiche flits from scene to scene - In any world you create there are certain constraints in the logic of that world - With "Jumper" they just throw that out the window. Totally soul less with that typical money management arrogance; that you can see this turned into a TV series a year down the line (Minus the leads of course!) and then get cancelled within a season. Any film with Doug Liman's name attached as director to it will need serious consideration before viewing any of his further work. Samuel L. Jackson really was wasted in this - A bit like hiring Morgan Freeman and having him sit in the bog for an hour and a half? With no real explanation for any of the character's behaviour or reasoning this sadly needs to be thrown into the DVD dumpster pile for the "£2.99p Bargain Grab!"
Sammy plays a nasty man who hunts down 'Jumpers' people who can teleport from place to place in the blink of an eye. Being a bit of a nutjob he has a small army and a sackful of nifty gadgets to catch these evildoers. Up strolls Hayden as stupid youth with no brain who end's up on Sammy's radar because he is an idiot. The film continues in this vein for quite awhile all over the world . . .


Blogger LittleDigger said...

Hey Hugh, totally agree with you regarding this load of old dross. It has the potential to be made into a TV series and bomb after one season.

Attempting to conduct a fair critical analysis on this movie is almost impossible, it really is that bad. I would say that the special effects were not too bad. But that's all the positive points.

Anyway I'm off to make a nice cauliflower cheese and watch 'The Eye'.

Keep up the good work old chap

3:59 pm  

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