Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

METAMORPHOSIS (DVD Review) - 5/8/07

Like rats jumping from a sinking ship there goes Christopher Lambert's career even further down with it! I wanted to watch this vampire film and have only just been able to get hold of a copy from Germany which is the only place it has been released. No dates for the UK or the US as it look's like this one bypassed the cinema straight to DVD on limited release. One can see why really - The film is directed by a hack with a totally unknown cast filming through parts of Hungary, Germany & Austria. Starting off well with a jump to the past and the legend of Elizabeth Bathory it's all down here from this point. Plot goes out the window with three obnoxious American kids travelling through Hungary and generally being arseholes with the locals until they meet up with two Eurotrash punk kids visting the forbidden castle by the monastery. It get's worse as the acting is dire, the effects cheap and the badly directed "horror" that is mind-numbingly boring it can't even raise a laugh. It get's a point for the unusual twist at the end - Or double-twist if you can stand the Director pushing his acting career in a lengthy cameo. If you can get a copy and find a dog turd in the street - Just stick the disc in the top of the pile in a prominant position - I'm sure you'll get the message! Also comes with 5.1. Dolby Sound, a Making Of Featurette, Trailers & Music Clips.


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