Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, July 16, 2007

MR. BROOKS Film Review - 16/7/07

Having caught a trailer for this I found it quite interesting so set out to see it. You know when a film really grabs you from the start and you start to question what is going on and how things are going to work out? Well this film isn't it! A dreary lack-lustre serial killer offering that wanders along without any saving grace and leaves it totally open at the end (From what Kevin Costner has said this is the first part of a trilogy) and even has the nerve to throw in the old stereotypical dream sequence at the end. Fine performances from Kevin Costner, Demi Moore and William Hurt who all acquit themselves well - But really can't save this tired old dinosaur from sinking into the tar pit. Not only is it an odd fish but it is also rather slow in a paced out fashion. There is no sense of urgency here, no feeling of fright and the twists have all been seen before in better films. Mr. Brooks (Kevin Costner) is outwardly the perfect man unfortunately his dark alter-ego in the shape of William Hurt is constantly by his side taunting him to acts of murder and madness as he attempts to stay on the straight and narrow. Giving into temptation sets off a chain of events that puts a Police Officer hard on his tail with a cracking show from Demi Moore as the embittered cop.


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