Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, August 28, 2006

LOST Part One {2nd. Season} (DVD Review) - 28/8/06

One of the major piss-takes that the big TV/Film Companies have made with this series is the deliberate rip-off procedure they have set-up in the UK whereby they released the first season of "Lost" in two parts and made people pay through the nose for it - So many people bought the full season from the USA as a Region 1 Import; that this time around they held back the season two release in the USA so they could deliberately release parts one & two in the UK, so again cash in - Disgusting is what I call it! I would advise buying the Region 1 Edition when it is released anyway as it has better Special Features and is extended. You can still buy the full season two on Region 2 in September if your that desperate - But please don't line the money men's pockets any further by buying 2 parts! As to the boxset of 4 discs itself - It carries off straight where season one finished and throws you headlong into the maelstrom of madness with brain numbing effect. As a friend of mine said to me "every time it answers a question it raises two more" and not a truer word has been spoken as more revelations, twists and past-flashes shoot by in stuttering flash-backs into fast-forward it's sometimes hard to keep up? JJ Abrams Rambaldi from "Alias" has nothing on "Lost" as I had a vague idea of what was happening but (if you'll pardon the pun) I'm truly lost with "Lost". It's not just a case of trying to get my head around all the events and happenings - It's the trying to make sense of it and put it in some kind of order that has me confused? Confused? So am I? It also doesn't help when you get morons like the twat in the BBC's Radio Times giving a review of "Lost" and conveniently giving away a major plot point - Duh? Who reviews something and tells you the story - It's like someone telling you the ending to "The Crying Game"? Suffice to say the first part of 12 episodes of season two of "Lost" is just as tricksy as the first season was - Nuff said!


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