Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

INSIDE MAN - Film Review 8/4/06

This is one of those annoying films that look's really good from the Trailer and you get to see all sorts of stuff going on and it give's the impression that it's more than just a bank robbery and you can expect 2 hours of intense thriller drama but ends up turning into a wet teabag. Denzel Washington with Chiwetel Ejiofor and Willem Dafoe as the side of good end up on the wrong side of what may or may not be a bank robbery.

Stuck in this whole situation is Christopher Plummer and Jodie Foster who may or may not be the bad guy's side of the piece. Foster come's across as icy and you can't tell one way or the other with her character - And unfortunately that's the main problem with this movie. It jump cuts all over the place with little understanding or explaination as to what is happening or what's going on?

The tired story which has been seen numerous times before about the Nazi's and the whole bank heist twist (also seen before) lead's nowhere and finally peters out without any resolution to any of the plot threads and was extremely disappointing. Directed by Spike Lee it seemed like everyone involved in this production was going through the motions and didn't it take ages to get to the very weak finish? At least Clive Owen shines - in you guessed it - a role in where he may or may not be the bad guy? But still very little plot exposition in my mind make's this a big let down...sorry, but I wasn't at all impressed with this. If you want to waste a couple of hour's on a wet Sunday afternoon then this could be the waste of time for you.


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