Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Friday, February 17, 2006


  • So I eventually decided to traipse down to my local Odeon ; to catch "Final Destination 3" having seen the Trailer, and thinking it looked fairly amusing much like the first two. The four 15 year old lads in front of me in the foyer looked rather shocked when they got told it was £7.20p each to get in - Oh, the horror - And the film hadn't even started yet! So having paid the better part of a tenner myself to get in; I settled down in a seat at the back and got 20 minutes of crap adverts and warnings about pirating films and a couple of Trailers for nothing of interest. Then the film started - And I don't know about you - But the opening credits had a rather sinister and creepy feel to them - Maybe it was just me?

    • PLOT SPOILER: Let's face it; anytime something is usually introduced on to the scene at a critical point in the movie, you know as sure as hell that it's going to get used there and then or later on the character's will go back to it. In this case it's a massive nail-gun - So go figure? The story in "Final Destination 3" is the same as the first two just set differently and just as amusing in a sarcastic, dry kind of way. On watching the second "Final Destination" I was amazed at how graphic and inventive all the deaths were; in fact you could say I was rather stunned - Much the same as the third in the trilogy.

    All the usual cliches are here, with the usual stereotypes - But don't get me wrong I enjoyed this film and it was entertaining. The opening scene on the roller-coaster would put most people off ever going on one again. It certainly didn't pull any punches and more or less set the tone for the rest of the film. All the horror you see in full shocking detail.

    It isn't high art or drama but it's certainly a great popcorn muncher! Leave your brain at the Cinema door and your in for an entertaining hour and a half of blood, guts and gore. It's all pretty graphic: blood sprays and guts fly along with other bodily parts and this year's award for most inventive use of a nail-gun certainly goes to "Final Destination 3". I jumped on at least two point's in the film and you have got to see the burger-bar drive-in scene to believe it! Now all I need is for them to release a trilogy boxset instead of the current 2-disc boxset below and I'll have a triple dose of death!


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