Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, December 31, 2007

THE QUEEN - TV Film Review 31/12/07

Having already missed this at least 3 times I was determined to burn it to disc so I could finally watch it at last! Luckily I managed to catch this well put together drama and Helen Mirren really does come across very well in this. Exuding a rare quality this brings the Royal Family to life with a selection of archive footage of Diana in the aftermath of her tragic death and the repercussions that faced the Royal Family and the new Labour Government at the same time. Stuck in an outmoded past the Queen is faced with an upheaval from the general public with her and her family's lack of response to Diana's death. Years of a rigid social upbringing show the Queen having to break with tradition and embrace the modern world in a different way. This intriguing drama is fine and covers a short space of time in the years of the Sovereign's life but as to it's accuracy I would say we only get half the truth here and you can read into it anything you like?

THE GOLDEN COMPASS Film Review - 31/12/07

I was rather concerned about this film adaption of the "His Dark Materials" trilogy from New Line with "The Northern Lights" becoming "The Golden Compass". I found the books to be very hard going and didn't really enjoy them; so it was to my surprise that they have pared down the work, into a manageable story that retains most of the original plot elements. Suffice to say the creation of the parallel world similar to our own is extremely well handled with the judicious use of sets and settings and some very well gelled CGI that enhances the story considerably. After 2 hours I found myself looking forward to the following two films in the series with anticipation.
A young orphan girl living in a very similar world to our own is being used by the forces of Light and Dark in a battle for all the worlds of the universes for the right to have Free Will. From the fighting bears of the Northern Wastelands to the austere power of the Magisterium battle commences when the last golden compass is given to the girl, and her and her companions adventures begin. With flying witches and Gyptian hordes using powered steamboats and skyships the Golden Compass shows the Truth amongst the dark.

ENCHANTED Film Review - 31/12/07

Nice to see Disney getting away from their stuffier side of their image in this very knowing and gently self-mocking piece of fun. James Marsden is a revelation in his role as the Prince and Susan Sarandon is on top form as the Wicked Witch. Nice to see Timothy Spall gracing the screen as I haven't seen him in anything for a while. Starting off as an animated fable (Narrated by Julie Andrews) we have all the characters in place from a host of Disney films (Certainly in style anyway) and then the Wicked Witch casts the Princess into the real world where she end's up in New York. The Prince and her chipmunk companion follow and all translate from animated characters to the real world. Obviously all the character traits follow as the Prince searches for his true-love singing all the way; whilst elsewhere the Princess is singing, to get a motley crue of animals to help her clean house. So in affect we have a collision between the fantasy world and the real. The Wicked Witch sends her nefarious henchman to continue her work but so incompetent is he that in the end she turns up herself to finish the job. Syrupy - but also a very clever twist on the fairy tale genre.

I AM LEGEND Film Review - 31/12/07

Will Smith really does hold all of this film together in this current remake. From the flashbacks of a past he has lost altogether to the desolate present he lives in now with a recognisable NYC but totally overgrown with weeds and grass, dilapidated buildings falling apart with nature taking back what was hers originally. From the beginning the tension kicks in with a number of jump-out-of-your-seat moments and shows you that Will Smith can really act. Wandering alone through this wasteland his character Robert Neville (A virologist) attempts to find a cure to mankind's downfall amongst the infected he has to fight off. Once we get to see these infected it's like we have fallen into a video game and are fighting against a horde of CG zombies so badly are they depicted. I always worried if the earth went out with a whimper instead of a massive bang - This film depicts that reality. An interesting take on the original films but "The Omega Man" will always stick in my mind as the better of the three.
Robert Neville a military specialist comes up against a virulent plague that sweeps the planet and attempts to find a cure to the virus which was man-made nearly 3 years earlier. From the present to the flashbacks of his past he tries to re-establish man's control of the planet after near total decimation of the population whilst fighting off plague-ridden zombies (victim's of the plague) lurking in the shadows with his only companion a dog called Sam.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

BEE MOVIE Film Review - 30/12/07

Dreamworks Animation pulls another duffer out of the bag as Jerry Seinfeld's original piss-take adverts for this were live-action and then they "pretended" to switch to animation for the film. I think Jerry's original premise would be fair funnier than this dire cartoon epic. After the handful of funny one-liners run out this particular piece runs out of steam completely and gets so out of control it couldn't even keep the attention of a 4-year old (and that is true as we had one wandering up and down the cinema aisles; in and out of the seating mumbling to herself, and singing away with total disinterest in the film). You cannot fault the intense and colourful animation and the voice talent on display here - it's the subject matter that is the problem. I would treat this as amusing for about 10 minutes then dull for the next 80 or so.
A bee get's fed up of his life in the hive and goes outside and makes friends with a florist then finds out humans eat honey and decides to sue the human race. Much hilarity ensues - HA! HA!


The only wonder about this film was why was it made? Catching the early morning Saturday show with an audience of about 12 people from this restricted local run of this film made me realise just how awful it was! Dustin Hoffman comes over with the voice of his character from "Rain Man" which was extremely irritating as he chewed the scenery and why Natalie Portman would want this on her CV is anyone's guess as she flies through this on autopilot. Saccharine, trite, sentimental mush that was so boring it even lost my attention at one point as I gazed around the theatre. The only point seemed to be "Believe In Yourself" but it really doesn't take 90 minutes to explain that as garish colours mutate on the screen and annoying credit titles wind you up even worse. As I left with the small crowd; a muttering was heard along the lines of "Well I wasn't very impressed with that" great if you like the 70's innocent version of films, but today's realities just don't impress this anymore.
Mr. Magorium owns a magical toyshop; after 200 years or so of being the boss, he decides to hand it to his apprentice Mahoney and leave the world forever. Cue ensuing chaos as the Toyshop isn't happy about this and neither is Mahoney. Then they all lived happily ever after!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I seriously thought what was the reason behind these DVDs being so expensive? When you watch the actual show you can see why - Cost! It was the main factor for this "Complete Collection" because HBO will not be making anymore due to the prohibitive expense of filming. You can it all on the screen the attention to detail from the costumes, sets and settings, to the props and all the finer detail from the graffiti on the walls to the literal shit in the street. It all looks incredibly real from the styles and mannerisms of a dozen cultures. Watching the making of tells you why - It was all done as historically true to life as possible. Through the dramatic re-interpretation of historical events with a small leeway on Hollywood licence and Rome comes into your living room. From the political and social internecine struggles, the traitorous and the depravity, alliances formed and pacts crumble, the strife and mayhem and ongoing wars, mixed in with personal conflicts and interaction between various classes this story long resonates after it finishes. The unfortunate result leaves you hanging with tales untold as all good TV shows do (Which I hate!) and leaves the way open so that if another TV Studio should open it's coffers it could finish off the whole adventure. Another naughty habit these companies have is slinging the individual boxsets together and forming one package - In this case it is the complete First Season of "Rome" with the Second Season bunged in with it with a new outer casing as above. Strangely enough though the packaging for the outer casing is very well done and both seasons also have been both well laid out with a booklet per season covering the episodes. Really it is jaw dropping when someone shouts out "Your a fucking cunt" and then proceeds to thrust a sword through a person's throat out the other side and the blood sprays everywhere and it then continues in that vein with heads being lopped off, full frontal nudity from both sexes with even more excess and one can see the 18 Certificate looming. The more you watch the more you realise it is a different world entirely; strange that it should so represent current society with it's ongoing wars, violence in the streets with no punishments as crime runs rampant, sleazy politicians saying one thing and taking a backhander, the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer - Business as usual then - What's a few centuries between societies? Just history repeating itself.
ROME: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON...the year is 52 B.C. This 6-disc set has various commentaries, featurettes and interactive onscreen guides.

Audio: 5.1. Dolby Digital. Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Widescreen. Runtime: 595 Mins. Approx. Languages: English, French, German. Subtitles: The same plus Dutch. Rating: 18. Hearing Impaired: English & German.

ROME: THE COMPLETE SECOND SEASON...the year is 44 B.C. This 5-disc set has various commentaries, featurettes and interactive onscreen guides.

Audio: 5.1. Dolby Digital. Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Widescreen. Runtime: 568 Mins. Approx. Languages: English. Subtitles: English & Dutch. Feature Only Subtitles: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian & Swedish. Rating: 18. Hearing Impaired: English.

Region 2 (UK) DVD 11-Disc Boxset. WARNER/HBO 2007. DY20221. ISBN # 7321902202211>

Sunday, December 23, 2007


A struggling London private eye detective duo are working on a seemingly routine divorce case which not only results in the death of their client but one half of the detective duo as well, Marty Hopkirk (Kenneth Cope). The police assume that it is a routine hit and run case but Hopkirk returns from the grave to help his partner, Jeff Randall (Mike Pratt), to help him bring the killers to book. However, Hopkirk finds himself cursed to wander the earth for 100 years after he failed to return to his grave by sunrise and he decides to spend his time helping his partner solve his cases...

For those of us who could not stand the remake starring Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer in which the emphasis was on poor comedy and look at what we can do special effects, this eight-disc package of the original ITC cult classic is more than welcome. Featuring all twenty-six episodes complete and uncut, Network DVD have also treated us to a number of interesting special features. These include Randall & Hopkirk Revisited, a thirty-minute documentary about the making of the show narrated by Ian Ogilvy who was no stranger to ITC having starred as Roger Moore's replacement in Return Of The Saint. The two surviving stars, Kenneth Cope who played one half of the detective duo, the ghost Marty Hopkirk, and Annette Andre who played Cope's widow, Jeannie, recall their memories of working on the series and the show's establishing director and creative consultant Cyril Frankel offers his interesting insight into the history of the programme. One of the most interesting aspects of the documentary is that Frankel and Cope both conflicted over their ideas as to what direction they thought the show should take. For instance, Frankel wanted to make the programme realistic in the vein of Raymond Chandler novels whilst Cope was all for bringing out the comedy as were some of the other directors who worked on the show. And when one watches the episodes after seeing the documentary one could see the varying approaches they had to the series as some episodes were played more for laughs than others. Mike Pratt who was the top-billed star of the show who played the second half of the detective duo, Jeff Randall, who sadly died in 1976, is paid tribute to in a separate documentary called Mike Pratt Remembered and in addition to that, an episode of the 1960's thriller, The Man In Room 17, in which Pratt guest starred is included for good measure. All in all, this reissue of the series is a must for all fans of the series and fans of cult British television alike as the remastering of the episodes is as good as one could wish and the special features are top notch as well.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


After such a splendid job was done on the original film and the follow-up sequel we end up with Resident Evil 3 or as it's title proper "Resident Evil: Extinction". With a remarkable lack of success at the Box Office; as it was hastily pulled and stuck out on DVD, we then find the Director is Russell Mulcahy who hasn't really scaled any heights since his classic "Highlander" from 1986. Riffing badly on a classic Hitchcock scene and pretending to be the new Mad Max as they rip off that storyline as well (...and the worse fact was that whilst watching this that constantly came to mind) they then even mention this 'homage' in the Making Of. Totally losing the plot and the general thread from the first two films this goes way off bat but still has the temerity to leave a route open for a further sequel and a ridiculous demise for the villain of the piece that will make you guffaw with it's astounding stupidity. The odd nail biting action sequences (Few & far between!) and the excellent quality of the Special Effects & CGI really can't make up for the let-down in this trilogy. It feels like the writer started on one film and finished writing on another film entirely. The story thread gets expanded slightly but loads of loose ends are trampled upon with no sense at all?
SPECIAL FEATURES: Don't believe any of the blurb on the cover as it has nothing to do with the film! Deleted Scenes, Preview Trailers & a sneak peek Preview of the first CGI Resident Evil film "Resident Evil: Degeneration". Commentary and an informative Making Of Featurette.

Region 1 (USA) 2.40:1 Anamorphic Widescreen Special Edition. Languages (With Subtitles) in English, French & Spanish 5.1. Dolby Digital. Rated R - Colour Approx 94 Mins. CC. Special Features are not rated and may not be subtitled or close captioned. SONY Pictures 2007. ISBN # 1424857368.

Monday, December 17, 2007


As with many things it is finding the time to actually do them and over the years I had always been aware of the "Prime Suspect" TV show but had never got around to watching them. I very nearly forked out for the 1-5 boxset but held back and just as well as they went on to produce numbers 6 & 7 in the series. This Complete Collection starts with Prime Suspect through to Prime Suspect The Final Act. As well as an Extras discs making 10 discs in all in this final boxset.
Helen Mirren is the driving force throughout the show ably backed by various characters who come and go across the years as she deals with her personal life and her day-to-day problems at work. The constraints of the TV budget seem to get left behind as we are drawn into nasty & gritty realistic scenarios of child abuse, prostitution, war crimes and vicious murders. Delving into the forensic side long before all the modern shows like CSI we get tales dredged out of the muck and mud as bodies are uncovered and the crimes are followed unremittingly through until there final end.

If you want a well written drama; acted well, you will find none better in any of the stories on offer here. Start at the beginning and follow it through until the bitter end! (As nothing is at first what it seems?)

Sunday, December 09, 2007

SKINWALKERS (DVD Review) - 9/12/07

In an attempt to put a new twist on the Werewolf angle we get a film with two different werewolf groups fighting over their saviour or their end in the shape of a thirteen year old boy. One group believes in their Blessing with advancement of the species by killing everything - The other group believes it a Curse and will do anything to stop it. From this initially interesting idea (Backed up by Stan Winston's Creature & Design Group) and a couple of good actors it all too soon turns sour. Starting off with the cliched bad guys who had been hired from Rent-A-Thug (As all bad guys ride motorcycles, have tattoos, dress in black, leather, long hair and so on) we skip to a quick shoot out where all the good guys (Looking like your Nan, the happy postman, the chunky-knit sweater white teeth pleasant store guy, etc) end up dead on the ground as the villains chase after the kid in an attempt to off him for good. Followed by a dull chase sequence, obvious spy in the camp, wise old Native American, more dodgy fighting and some slick CGI - We are left with the tired final showdown. Overall the film only scores with Stan Winston's remarkable creature transformations and a couple of puff-pieces under the Special Features package. Okay for a wet weekend watch once scenario!