Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

THE COVENANT Film Review - 24/12/06

Renny Harlin where did it all go wrong? I can understand for every "The Long Kiss Goodnight" there is a "Cutthroat Island" - So I can only presume in lieu of "Mindhunters" we get "The Covenant"? This poor man's "Lost Boys" is a piece of codswallop dressed up for those pining for the days of Buffy (and the demise of Angel presumably) as gothic witchcraft crossed with the poster-boy-band-from-hell in lingering swim trunks that barely fit and a Production Manager who has found the right locations but has got a bit happy with the smoke machine.

A total absence of plot and character development makes me wonder how tripe like this gets funded into a feature film? The tired old cliches are all here and the list of those is endless - apart from a few decent SFX shots this creaking heap of garbage will soon be available on DVD to buy - Expect to see it in the Remainder Bin at your local Video Store for about £2.99 when they can't shift any copies or stumble over a stack of 300 or so shoved by the counter in an HMV shortly covered in dust.
The story as it is; covers the descendants of Witches and the powers they possess, challenged by another powerful Witch from another family - Chuck in a modern twist and the usual suspects and there you go - Like a boil-in-the-bag sachet this is utter cod (without the butter sauce).


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