Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, October 16, 2006

THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT 2 (DVD Review) - 16/10/06

Only just found out about this sequel to the original and really the alarm bells should have been ringing? Mr. Periwinkle hated the first one and I really doubt if he would enjoy this! Coming over like a wet Thursday afternoon in Bradford and with the feel of a TV outing and a piss-poor budget we get "The Butterfly Effect 2". The first must have made some dosh otherwise New Line would not have stumped up the cash for a Direct-To-DVD sequel and when the "Making Of..." tells you the film was shot over 20 days that more or less sum's it up. Starting off quite well with an horrific car crash it's all down hill from here to the law of diminishing returns. Losing it's way (and the plot!) we get some sub-standard video effects and some soft porn, padded out with numerous scenes at the office (for godsakes!) and a healthy dose of sleaze later on turning into the obligatory sequel set-up for the next pile of shit in this series. Unfortunately amidst this dross there is actually a thin thread of love and melancholy about loss and how the slightest change can turn everything on it's head amongst the stormy, snowy wastes of Canada once again. Special Features encompass an Audio Commentary and the "Altering Reality: On The Set Of The Butterfly Effect 2" Featurette plus a pile of Previews and DVD-ROM capability. Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1. & Stereo. Runtime: Approx 92 Mins. Colour - NTSC. Region 1 (USA) Rating: R Restricted. English & Spanish Subtitles. Close Captioned Feature Film only. Aspect Ratio: Enhanced 1.85:1. NEW LINE 2006. N10434/ISBN # 0780655567.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too right I hated the first one; and by the sound of things, I would double hate this one !!


Mr. Perwinkle

12:55 pm  

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