Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, September 11, 2006

STARGATE ATLANTIS {1st. Season} (DVD Review) - 11/9/06

My mate Franky The Squirrel lent me Season 1 of "Stargate Atlantis" that he had recorded off of Sky 1 - Unfortunately he had missed a couple of episodes so I have had to track them down individually. The episode I had missed from this single disc DVD from Season 1 - Vol. 5 - Episodes 17 to 2o was the episode entitled "Letters From Pegasus". I felt this first series of "Stargate Atlantis" had a real sense of urgency and really piled on the pressure; the only complaint I have about genre series like this is the repeated use of "clip-shows" where they pad the story out with clips from previous episodes to save money. It's a cheap tactic and I usually fast forward these episodes - Luckily enough though both "Stargate SG-1" and it's spin-off manage to accommodate these clip shows with a fairly good story so I put up with them for that reason alone. We get some fairly good action on this disc and it also has a good selection of Special Features in the form of 4 short featurettes, production design & photo gallery, with some trailers and a preview of the Stargate Alliance Videogame. To be perfectly honest MGM have done a very good job on the production of the DVD Cover Sleeves, lay-out of the DVD Menus and the show itself plus of course the Special Features per disc. Now I just need Franky The Squirrel to record me the third season when it's available!


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