Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, April 28, 2008

VANTAGE POINT Film Review - 28/4/08

This is an absolutely striking movie the only downside being the end when the plot ties everything up - But doesn't explain any of the background to the characters and why they did what they did? Boldly diving into the mix we get a Presidential assassination plot told from different viewpoints with the "Vantage Point" of the film's title. Not only do they manage to pull off this use of different views (Which has been done in numerous other films) but the twisty plot lines over-cross in a way that is very satisfying from a variety of perspectives. The thrill-a-minute set-up overdrives into full-on action as rapid changes make you attempt to put the pieces of the puzzle together. After such a thrill ride with loads of hi-tension it's a real disappointment that the film ends on such a low-key note without fully embracing the whys and wherefores to the full background story. I would have rather had a good three hour film explaining more of this than just ending prematurely as it does. (Unless of course they do a follow-on sequel?)
Check out the film "Smokin' Aces" for a similar downbeat ending that totally loses it's original thrust.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

CLOVERFIELD Film Review - 27/4/08

With all the online hype and what a great monster movie this was going to be, I was pleasantly surprised to see just how cack-handed it all turned out to be. It's hard not to be scathing about a bunch of unknown actors (Whose performances were dreadful to say the least!) in a multi-million dollar film from Paramount (What were they thinking?) spent on a pile of drivel and top notch Special Effects wasted in shaky-cam mode. After the terrible script get's into it's stride about 20 minutes in I was already bored out of my skull. The ending couldn't come quick enough - With people screaming all up and down the set, a variety of bangs, thumps, thuds & kabooms on the soundtrack amidst the spiral of eye excruciating camera shots swirling in and out of focus - PLEASE STOP. I can't even be forgiven for giving the ending away it's just that dire. Everyone dies and nothing is explained. Film ends. With J.J.Abrams involved in the current waste of time TV Series "Lost" - I'm really not holding out any hope for his revisionist version of "Star Trek". So surprise me Mr. Abrams and pull something out of your hat? WARNING: Rumour has it there will be a sequel to "Cloverfield" in 2009? Pass me the spew bucket someone!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

UNTRACEABLE Film Review - 22/4/08

From the smashing kick-arse trailer this really did look like it was going to produce the goods as an FBI Cyber Crime Squad get's involved with an Internet killer that tortures and kills his victims online and seems to be a total whizz at all things technical and computer-wise. Then the spinning start descends into a rather sluggish plod as it's a cat and mouse web version of "Saw" that although has it's odd tension moments spirals out of control and suddenly the ending hits in seconds - it's a mad rush - and it's all over and done with. Diane Lane gamely holds it all up but it's more of a pedestrian killer thriller made by the numbers. Something that will spook you for an hour or so and then you'll never watch again. Like-ably entertaining for all it's faults!

QUEER AS FOLK {5th. Season} (DVD Review) - 22/4/08

I shed more than a few tears with this fifth and final Season of "Queer As Folk". For 30 years or so they have been peddling a lot of TV series twaddle that had no substance or meaning to them and then along comes a 5-year slot of quality television that will be sadly missed. Horrific scenes during these last 13 episodes had me in floods of tears at the sheer injustice that people go through day by day and sadly the series ends on some pretty bitter-sweet notes; with not everything quite working out as a happy ending, more of wish fulfilment than anything else. Things change and so do the times - Let's hope another great show like this will grace our screens soon!
With the end in sight this 5-disc set has the 13 episodes of Season 5 on them with a chunky package of Special Features that more or less fill up the 5th. disc. A truly rousing ending to a fine show.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

QUEER AS FOLK {4th. Season} (DVD Review) - 20/4/08

Several shocks in this Season 4 of "Queer As Folk" when certain unforeseen circumstances changes one of the characters in one direction and another character in a totally different direction. A major loss shocks all the characters in a way that spreads threads through the rest of this Season and shows that in even the deepest depths of despair; a dark humour prevails, in a further enhancement of this wry take on Gay lifestyles. Things change for better and worse and the uplifting message still clearly shines through, even if this is a fantasy world of Gay imagining it would be nice to see it for real.
This Season 4 ends with 14 episodes and a handful of Special Features which this Season seem a bit lean and lack-lustre. Forget the dip in quality on the Special Features and revel in the sheer exuberance of 14 ace episodes of "Queer As Folk".

Sunday, April 13, 2008

QUEER AS FOLK {3rd. Season} (DVD Review) - 13/4/08

This season on "Queer As Folk" delves even more deeply into some very nasty corners with a crooked politician in the mix involved with a murder, a spiralling drug habit that is out of control, accusations of child abuse on two different fronts (one involving a street hustler) and all manner of other revelations as some things tie up and others split apart. The consistently excellent writing and acting constantly pushes this superb ground-breaking programme forward and has far surpassed it's Brit beginnings. This 5 disc set has the full series on it and as usual a large package of Special Features to round it off. Sheer excellence pulled off once again!

Friday, April 11, 2008

QUEER AS FOLK {2nd. Season} (DVD Review) - 11/4/08

Totally blown away with the Second Season with just how excellent the writing is on this series. Showing just how shallow gay men are, how pointless relationships become, friendships disintegrate and romance blossoms. How generous the human spirit can be and how even an older gay man get's a happy few months of love, how HIV destroys lives, how vindictive & petty people can be and how much like real life people love and hate and generally fuck up in between the anal sex and blow-jobs, nipple sucking and fucking. Not only is the cast pitch perfect the characters get more defined this season and all the performances are so good it's hard to pick out any individual amongst the drag queens, lesbians and general homo-erotic background. Charging through 20 episodes on 5 discs the 6th. disc is packed to bursting with Special Features and that is really on eye-opener on many levels. I haven't watched a decent TV show for years and then along comes several at once - This being one of them!
Charting the continuing adventures of the lives and loves of a group of close friends in Pittsburgh where this soap is set - But better because it actually means something for once..

A TALE OF TWO CONTINENTS Film Review - 11/4/08

Many years ago Monkey & Al (Johnny Vegas) starred in a number of TV adverts for ITV Digital and at the time it was mooted that a sitcom with Monkey & Al would transpire - Unfortunately that did not happen and ITV Digital went down the pan leaving Monkey & Al in limbo for several years. Fast forward to now with the triumphant return of Monkey & Al to TV with a new series of adverts for PG Tips and a huge stash of merchandising opportunities. Dumping Al for the big screen Monkey makes his feature-film debut in "A Tale Of Two Continents" as a B-movie flick playing before "The Game Plan" "Hannah Montana 3D" "The Spiderwick Chronicles" and "Horton Hears A Who" in cinemas all over the country. Now coming to a tea packet near you soon you can not only get Monkey's fabulous film on DVD but a free tea towel with the film's poster on it on promotional packs - Probably all sold out now anyway?

Travelling through the history of tea in ten minutes; Monkey the arrogant knitted sarcastic ratbag gives a performance of outstanding mastery. This fantastic DVD not only contains the film but a splendid selection of Bonus Material with an Outtakes feature and a great Commentary. You can also print off the movie's Poster and there are details of Monkey's Game. Widescreen in English. Have a cuppa!