Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

KLIMT (DVD Review) - 26/1/08

You think to yourself "Jesus, just how does crapola like this get financed & made?" The sort of film where you want to punch John Malkovich over and over again in the face for his stupidity in taking on this role? I really wanted to see this film as I have always had a fascination for the artist Gustav Klimt's work. Originally released in Germany and very expensive to buy, it was later released in the UK and still far too expensive. It was cheaper to buy a US copy than from anywhere else - What a waste of good cash! Jumping into a mire that looks like it had been filmed by rejects from "The Blair Witch Project" as the camera circles around and around; in a nauseating fashion that is compounded further, from extras and actors walking in and out of camera shot spouting rubbish and general gibberish. Malkovich pops in and out of scenes from various points in history and time with absolutely no rationale in a sort of dreamlike state. Naked women wander all over and the whole boring lot jump from set to set in a shuddering and jolting way as discordant music rubs you up the wrong way. With finance from about 12 different groups you can see why this was an art-house movie flop and how truly dull it is with no focus on any of Klimt's fabulous artworks at all. Repetitive scenes play over and over again with no sense of meaning and the script is awful. The actor's play pitch perfect, the dressing & sets are superb and the costumes magnificent - It's just a pity the rest of the dreary debacle doesn't match up to the best of it!


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