Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Monday, October 08, 2007

24 {6th.Season} (DVD Review) - 8/10/07

A number of people have complained about this season as being one of the worst - I disagree! Instead of foiling a disaster CTU ends up having to fight the aftermath of one and continue with an ongoing one amongst the feints & counter-feints from a Russian/Arab terrorist cell plus a Chinese Black OPS team. Past revelations come back to haunt people and the genuine, gritty hard edged action jumps fast from one quick moving scenario to another and just as you think things can't get any worse they do. The political plotting and machinations behind the scenes are just as dirty as the terrorists actions (if not worse) bringing the world closer to the brink of all-out destruction amongst the political ramifications of these actions.
The on-going quality of this series continues with this 7-Disc set comprising all twenty-four episodes of Season 6 "24" and the final disc packed full of Special Features including a Bonus episode of "Prison Break". Amongst these features we have various featurettes and background info, plus a huge selection of deleted/extended scenes.

Having spoken to Glenn Morshower (Who plays Aaron Pierce) at a convention in London he intimated that part of the proposed "24" feature film will partly shoot in the UK. So we still have the joys of Season 7 "24" to come followed by a feature film - Excellent!


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