Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Friday, April 06, 2007

MR. BEAN'S HOLIDAY Film Review - 6/4/07

Immediately thought of Mr. Periwinkle when I saw the Trailer* for this - Oh, how we laughed! But enough of that...In this swansong to Rowan Atkinson's character we bid a final adieu to Mr. Bean as he traipses off to France on holiday. To say it's no great shakes is pretty apt but the gentle comedy of this grotesque creation in awkwardness prat-falling from one sticky incident to another mishap does raise a few chuckles and grins and I'm all for amusement! I also doubt if this film will sell well in Germany either after the Nazi film-within-a-film shoot. As Bean wanders off into the Sunset you could almost feel the world was a sorrier place without his presence (Or maybe not?)

*TRAILER: This film used a Trailer with Deleted Scenes (Notably the incident featuring the lap-top and drinks spillage) so be aware that what you have seen may not necessarily be in the film. I regard the use of deleted footage in film advertising as false advertising and this is an on-going problem. If you pay to see a film at the cinema after watching a Trailer used to advertise that film and the footage isn't in the film; but you specifically went to see the film because of the Trailer, would you be happy?


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