Stinky Pig's Vortex Of Movie Madness

A plethora of news, reviews and rumours (and some gossip) regarding the world of Cinematic Experience and probably DVD's as well! (Don't forget TV and Cable?)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

24 {5th.Season} (DVD Review) - 4/3/07

Diving headfirst into the next season of "24" at a point where it's implausibility really starts to show and gets a little frayed around the edges; and feeling more like a high octane soap than ever, this lurches from one ludicrous plothole to another as the story (as well as it's characters) falls aside and seems to get forgotten. Still it has enough entertainment value to keep you watching wondering what will they think up next? Ending on a cliffhanger (Yawn?) and leaving loads of storylines not resolved this charges full pelt into Season 6 with enough adrenalin to want you needing more - I just hope the bumps in the plot are sorted out? (Mysterious shadowy Cabal anyone?)
The back of these boxsets seem to stir up a sense of interest and foreboding and when you actually watch what was described can leave you feeling a little cheated from the blurbs. But carrying on from previous releases we get another 7-Disc Boxset with the ever present seventh disc given over to SPECIAL FEATURES: We get 20 Deleted/Extended Scenes that this time you can watch separately or play within the episode they are from, various selected episodes with Commentary and a Making Of that covers the first 100 Episodes of 24. Add to that four Featurettes covering stuff as diverse as the Music and Set Design/Build, with a Cast Member's Inside Look and also the Camera Department. Certainly enough from this set that now it has me itching to watch Season 6 and it will be month's before it's on the horizon - Boo!


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